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About - Education

In 2023 scholarships totaling $141,450 were available to students pursuing higher education. We have seen growth with the establishment of additional scholarships and prospective students. In 2023 alone, three new scholarships were established, and 72 scholarships were awarded for the 2023-2024 academic year.

We take great pride in helping individuals achieve their dreams of higher education and adult literacy. Our recipients have taken the first step toward achieving their goals and setting good examples for younger generations.

Individual donors, organizations and the Chickasaw Nation Employee Charitable Contribution Plan have allowed us to change lives for many years. For the 2023-2024 academic year, we had 29 endowed scholarships and 33 named scholarships. Since 2004, over $1.8 million has been available to award for scholarships.

“Education opens the door to so many opportunities and careers, it is truly life changing to receive an education,” said Felicia Gilliam, Chickasaw Foundation donor.

Annah Baykal, a five-time recipient of the Chickasaw Foundation scholarship program, knows how large the impact her scholarships made. "Medical school is challenging enough and having less stress about tuition and finances freed up much of my time and energy to focus on trying to learn medicine well. To be awarded a Chickasaw Foundation scholarship meant that a whole group of Chickasaws valued my educational endeavors and passion enough to support me."


Some College and University Partners

Arizona State University
Austin College
Duke University
East Central University
George Washington University Law School
Harding University
Lee University
Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University New Orleans
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mid-American Christian University
Murray State College
Northeastern State University
Oklahoma City University
Oklahoma City University School of Law
Oklahoma State University
Richard Bland College of William and Mary
Savannah College of Art and Design
Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Southern Nazarene University
Southwestern Oklahoma State University College of Pharmacy
Suffolk University
Texas A&M University
Texas Christian University
Texas Woman's University - Denton
University of Oklahoma
University of Alabama in Huntsville
University of Idaho
University of Kentucky
University of Missouri
University of Nebraska Lincoln
University of North Texas
University of North Texas - Denton
University of Central Oklahoma
University of Oklahoma College of Law
University of Oklahoma-Health Science Center
Wichita State University

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