What it is and why it matters for the Chickasaw Foundation

Chickasaw Foundation participates in the Employee Charitable Contribution Plan (ECCP) as one of the designees selected to receive funds from Chickasaw Nation employees.

By giving through the ECCP, donors know exactly where their funds are going. Those who sign up for the ECCP can elect to have their donations directed to the area of greatest need, scholarship fund, disaster relief and recovery fund or any combination of the three. The ECCP is a fantastic avenue for employees to express our compassion to others.

The Chickasaw Foundation is greatly appreciative to employees who donate to the Foundation through the ECCP. These donations play a special role in helping the Chickasaw Foundation change so many lives and extend hope to surrounding communities.

Receipts are mailed to participants who annually contribute more than $250. Upon request, receipts will be issued for those who make a contribution of any amount. When sending your request, please include your current contact information so we can make certain your file is updated. 

ECCP Donor Testimonies

Tandi Ray

“Donating to the Foundation is a great way to give back to our community beyond our everyday work. It is a great opportunity for us to come together and support each other.”

Corey Gillum

“I encourage everyone to give to the Chickasaw Foundation. No matter how little the amount may seem, it contributes to the life-changing services the Foundation is able to provide.”

Talon Feaster

“The Foundation’s dedication to giving back to the community and making a positive impact on the lives of Chickasaw people resonated with me deeply. It has been an honor to play a role, no matter how small, in this noble endeavor.”

Dena Gray

“It brings joy knowing that my donations go directly to the Chickasaw people I have the privilege of serving and it feels good to be a part of spreading compassion and joy to our community. Contributing through the Employee Charitable Contribution Plan also gives me the confidence to know that my donation goes to an area where it is needed.”

Terie Sam

“It is a blessing to me to be able to give to the Foundation. I am glad that my contribution to the Foundation is able to help others during their time of need.” 

Lindsey Forsythe

“Giving back to the Foundation means a lot to me because so many came to my family’s rescue and helped us rebuild our lives after the devastation of the tornado.”